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Legacy Programs

The College continues to support credentials conferred for programs that were sunset due to shifts in industry and societal demands.

Our Support for Legacy Credentials

We introduced our first program nearly 100 years ago. In that time, the financial services profession has evolved significantly. To meet our students’ needs, we have occasionally sunset some degree and designation programs. While these legacy programs are no longer offered to new students, we support those who earned a legacy credential from The College or have ensured a new issuing organization provides support.


The Chartered Advisor in Senior Living® (CASL®) designation advocated for aging clients to achieve financial security now and into the future. CASL® advisors lead clients from middle age through retirement, helping them manage, preserve, and transfer wealth.


The Chartered Healthcare Consultant® (ChHC®) designation informs financial advisors on changes to our health care system after the Affordable Care Act was passed in 2010. The College ceded this designation to the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU), which issues and currently supports the ChHC®.


The Chartered Leadership Fellow® (CLF®) designation provided those seeking a leadership role or wanting to become a more effective leader in their organization in-depth training in leadership skills. Since the program sunset in 2024, The College still supports the designation for alumni but is no longer actively awarding it.


The Financial Services Specialist (FSS®) designation provided financial advisors with the core knowledge and skills necessary for essential planning and advisory assistance for consumers and businesses. Sunset in December 2013, education comparable to the FSS® program is available through the Financial Services Certified Professional® (FSCP®) designation program.

PhD in Financial and Retirement Planning

The part-time PhD in Financial and Retirement Planning began in July 2013 and was phased out in April 2018. Before the program ended, The College awarded doctoral degrees, and PhD students produced original academic research that contributes to the body of knowledge in the financial services profession. The College maintains academic support for students who were pursuing the degree at the time it was sunset.


The Registered Employee Benefits Consultant® (REBC®) designation includes practical knowledge on pensions and retirement plan funding, installation, and administration. The program covers group medical plans, long-term care, executive compensation, personnel management, and more. The College ceded this designation to the National Association of Health Underwriters (NAHU), which issues and supports the REBC® designation today.


The Registered Health Underwriter® (RHU®) designation provided a specialization in living benefits, including income replacement and risk management solutions for individuals, business owners, and professionals. We continue to support an RHU® credential earned from The College.


Sunset in 2021, the Master of Science in Financial Services (MSFS) provided expertise in the wealth accumulation process and knowledge for business owners to develop compensation, succession planning, and retirement income strategies.


The Master of Science in Management (MSM) Program combined core leadership topics with the knowledge professionals need to assume management roles and influence cultures of trust and respect within their organizations. Sunset in 2024, this graduate degree is no longer accepting new applicants.

Recertification Requirements

Participation in the Professional Recertification Program is generally not required for legacy designations that are no longer offered to new students by The College or for those available through other institutions, including:

  • REBC®
  • RHU®
  • ChHC®
  • FSS®   

The CASL® designation remains subject to recertification. Learn more about CASL® recertification requirements.

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